ClockReports XE Help Guide  - Software

Software: Standard Reports - Calculating Break Times

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Note: Subscription upgrade maybe required for this feature to work. 

In Standard Report Types breaks can be calculated if Users punch IN and OUT when they take breaks. 

Breaks are the times between an END period and the next START period...



Configuration of calculating breaks in Standard Report Types is only slightly different to Advanced Report Types, here we will deal with configuring Standard Reports Breaks...

Step 1. First go to the 'Reports' Tab page. 

Step 2. Click the 'Report Settings' button.

Report Settings Window

Step 3. Report Type Tab

Step 4. Select a 'STANDARD' Report Type


Step 5. Select Breaks Tab

Step 6. Choose the clock IN and OUT periods where you want the reports to calculate breaks

Step 7. If you want the reports Calculated Hours column to have the break time deducted automatically select this option.


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Last modified: Saturday May 04, 2013.